Commons acronymous to use at work and in daily life:
FOMO: Fear of missing out
DOB: Date of Birth
BTW: By the way
BLT: Bacon, lettuce and tomato
RSVP: Respondez sil vous plait (please reply if you are invited a party)
PS: post scriptum, additional information
ASAP: As soon as possible
BO: Body odour, mal olor del cuerpo
LOL: Laugh out loud
BYOB: Bring your own bear, bring alcohol
BRB: Be right back
ETA: Estimated time of arrival
TBC: To be confirmed
GF: Girl friend
BF: Best friend
OMG: Oh my God
IMO: In my Opinion
IMHO: In my humble opinion
PTO: Please turn on
EOD: End of day